Important Windows Store v18 update resets my settings
Fortunately I have all my builds backed up and have spent a happy few hours re-installing Kodi 17.6 and the relevant build on 3 laptops, 1 desktop pc, 1 HTPC just the tablet to go but that is Android and not relevant to this thread.

I have got over my annoyed phase.  It is absolutely not the fault of the Kodi team that Windows UWP is incredibly limited and it is absolutely not their fault that yet again Microsoft have decided to destroy network sharing for those whose media libraries are held on a NAS.

However, I do think the Kodi team got the roll out of Kodi 18 wrong and I think it is a good lesson for future roll outs.  What should have happened was that Kodi News should have given 2 weeks notice of the rollout via the windows store, warned everyone that any installations via the windows store were likely to be badly effected by the limitations of UWP and given the briefest of advice to either turn off auto-updates or delete and re-install using the desktop client.  Looking through this forum and reddit it is entirely clear that the majority of the problems with Kodi 18 Windows are linked to the limitations of UWP.

I know the Kodi team is small, all volunteers and therefore it is simply not practical to test a new release against every possible configuration, so it is inevitable something will slip through but here it does look as though one of the more common user set ups (downloaded from windows store on W10 desktop possibly with the movies/tv stored on a NAS) is the problem

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RE: Windows Store v18 update resets my settings - by justin150 - 2019-02-01, 20:35
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