[WINDOWS] Microsoft Live Messenger script in XBMC for Windows?

this is the first time I work with XBMC for windows. But I'm searching for a live messenger plugin, so I can use Live messenger without closing XBMC. Is there a script?

Greetz X

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[WINDOWS] Microsoft Live Messenger script in XBMC for Windows? - by Xaverius - 2009-02-10, 10:17
[No subject] - by _Shift - 2009-02-13, 10:22
[No subject] - by XBMCG33K - 2009-02-14, 03:45
[No subject] - by Maxim - 2009-05-01, 18:41
[No subject] - by MDPauley - 2009-05-01, 19:15
[No subject] - by PainToad - 2009-05-04, 07:24
[No subject] - by Gamester17 - 2009-05-04, 12:53
[No subject] - by extrospection - 2010-09-21, 16:02
[No subject] - by BlueCop - 2010-09-21, 16:30
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[WINDOWS] Microsoft Live Messenger script in XBMC for Windows?0