Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows
That attitude is fair and appreciated by most developers.
I've not seen the internal code changes in 18/18.1, so I don't know how much trouble it would be. I know it wouldn't just be a simple patch and build, though, as they specifically did work in the area that DSPlayer covers.
I know that as an addon developer, 18/18.1 has brought some good but really annoying changes. There was a lot of things that were changed, down to annoying but simple changes like the duration format (time in seconds to "hh : mm : ss").

EDIT: apparently there's no simple way to say hh:mmConfuseds without it becoming a stupid smiley.
Developer for Shoko and Nakamori. Long time user of Kodi, before it was even called Kodi. My XBOX died long ago, but Windows is still just as broken and necessary. I obviously watch anime, given my first comment. Video games, manga, music, you name it.

Messages In This Thread
Lockup on STOP issue resolved! - by MKANET - 2015-04-11, 21:59
RE: 4G aware patch - by MagikMark - 2015-09-08, 03:27
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RE: H265 playback - by ashlar - 2017-11-04, 16:21
RE: H265 playback - by rew88 - 2017-11-05, 01:34
RE: H265 playback - by ashlar - 2017-11-05, 16:48
RE: H265 playback - by rew88 - 2017-11-05, 23:08
RE: H265 playback - by ashlar - 2017-11-06, 12:00
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RE: Leia 18 - by spencerjford - 2017-11-21, 06:24
RE: Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows - by da3dsoul - 2019-03-16, 20:43
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RE: Display Modes / Refresh Rates - by ashlar - 2019-09-20, 00:39
RE: Display Modes / Refresh Rates - by ashlar - 2019-09-20, 19:35
DSPlayer 23.810 to 23.976 - by Runakanta - 2018-05-09, 03:24
RE: DSPlayer 23.810 to 23.976 - by Warner306 - 2018-05-10, 01:32
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Kodi DSPlayer – DirectShow Player for Windows47