Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
(2019-04-29, 21:06)DAlba Wrote: ImageImage

I have two systems one with Kodi v17 (left image) and one with v16 (right image)

The newer version changed size of codec icons at bottom as well as spacing for movie info. Is this a changeable setting? I prefer larger icons and spacing even on my 133” screen. Also prefer the button layout with “Cast” instead of “Set my Rating” and the CinemaVision. Is there option to revert back to olde style? Thank you for great skin!

While I know its not an answer to your question you can get to cast by pressing down to get to the plot, then down again.

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RE: ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH) - by pfp-az - 2019-04-29, 21:14
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