Bug Android. Fire Stick 4K. Kodi 18.0 and later. Audio out of sync for all videos.
I've got the same problem with my firestick 4k (gen3). You'll see that's it a problem for others as well over on the Firestick XDA forums as well.
I can't find the actual posts as it was (if I remember correctly) just a couple of answers within various posts..

Turn off the Dolby setting in sound preferences and it should be fixed.

Not an ideal answer...

It might not have XDA, here's a couple of other links where it's mentioned.



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RE: Android. Fire Stick 4K. Kodi 18.0 and later. Audio out of sync for all videos. - by tinybilbo - 2019-05-20, 22:59
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Android. Fire Stick 4K. Kodi 18.0 and later. Audio out of sync for all videos.3