Projector pixel alignment compensation
Wow great idea, how has nobody thought of this before?! This would really be great for projector owners, as color shift has typically been a "live with it" problem from what I've read. My projector has a pretty significant color shift as well (common problem I guess) and it'd really be exceptional to be able to fix it in software.

Like you, slight, I wouldn't have the first clue where to start unfortunately. Could somebody maybe give us some guidance please? Subjects to read up on, where in the XBMC code to poke around, etc? I understand that perhaps not enough users use projectors to warrant a dev looking into the feature but I'd be thankful if somebody could help point me in the right places so I could see if I can hack it in on my own :0)

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2009-01-09, 23:52
[No subject] - by slight - 2009-01-11, 19:32
[No subject] - by midgetspy - 2009-02-18, 20:48
[No subject] - by midgetspy - 2009-04-07, 07:14
[No subject] - by Freddo - 2009-04-08, 00:46
[No subject] - by slight - 2009-04-14, 12:17
[No subject] - by midgetspy - 2009-04-14, 19:19
[No subject] - by mason - 2009-04-14, 19:26
[No subject] - by slight - 2009-04-15, 12:12
[No subject] - by spiff - 2009-04-15, 12:19
[No subject] - by slight - 2009-04-15, 14:01
[No subject] - by spiff - 2009-04-15, 14:17
[No subject] - by midgetspy - 2009-04-22, 03:42
[No subject] - by slight - 2009-04-22, 15:13
[No subject] - by midgetspy - 2009-09-01, 05:55
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Projector pixel alignment compensation0