Beta Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts
(2019-06-06, 23:11)edjalmo Wrote: Hi!
First, thanks for bringing Amber for Kodi 18 and better it with skinshortcuts.
Second, I want to sugest sometings.
I think the position of My Rating is not realy good, because there does not seem to be something clickable. I suggest put in together of play, trailer buttons.
In some Tv show like Black Mirror, which are anthologies, and there's no character fixed, this space be empty.
The solution of Estuary is put the banner. I think this is a good solution
I like the movie headline too, but I don't know where to put it in this page. The same for studio icons, and the episode thumbnails of Tv shows.
The plot be clickable is good too (for movies with huge plot and for who don't like auto scrolling.

@edjalmo , thanks for your feedback and suggestions.  I will look into what I can implement from your suggestions and the best way to do this without changing the design too much.  I cannot provide a commitment time for doing this, though.



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RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - by bsoriano - 2019-06-06, 23:58
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