Beta Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts
(2019-06-16, 21:44)bsoriano Wrote: @edjalmo , please test the latest from Git.  I centered the certification flag as best as I could, the tv show banner is now displayed (if present) if there is no cast, and the list on the right now has "infinite scrolling" as you call it.  Please let me know if this is what you were looking for.  Thanks.


Thanks you very much! It's perfect!
I have two more things too say (one suggestion and one "bug" in some TV show poster), but I will telling just later, after you you fix this things you mentioned before.
Thanks again!

(2019-06-16, 21:41)bsoriano Wrote: For the widgets where episodes are grouped, the label will now be "Season xx" (skin helper already provides this label).
I already have recent add TV show and in progress TV widgets, but I'm not getting this labels. I have to change some settings?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (inscribed in large friendly letters)
My hardware is a Raspberry Pi 3b (with LibreELEC)

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RE: Amber for Leia with Skinshortcuts - by edjalmo - 2019-06-16, 23:33
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