Release CBC TV (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
Without details such as the version(s) of kodi and the video add-on plus description of exactly what does not work (add-on won't load, can't get list of shows, unable to play a specific episode), I can only guess that you have different versions of kodi and/or the video add-on installed.

I use Kodi on Raspberry Pi 2/3s with LibreELEC.  Following are the two setups that work for me:

Kodi Krypton 17.6 on LE 8.2.5 with CBC 4.0.4 (I disabled automatic updates because 4.0.5 doesn't work for me)

Kodi Leia 18.2 on LE 9.0.2 with CBC 4.0.6

'Hope that helps.  My guess is that you may need to update your Windows Kodi installation.

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RE: CBC TV (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) - by kodaksmith - 2019-07-04, 18:21
RE: [Release] News - by kodaksmith - 2019-11-04, 18:59
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