Release [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - DISCUSSION
(2019-07-21, 16:57)rschiks Wrote: I have made all code to add the character posters to the database and display it on screen. Just name the filename like this "poster-00-00.jpg" (for collection 0 and order number 0) or "poster-03-06.jpg" (for collection 3 and order number 6).
If this is all ok I will add it to the website. After that I will be adding it to the API.

Collection 0 the default collection. If there are more collections, they will be named 1 and so on. The same for the order number of the posters.
i thought it will look something like this...
but your solution is much nicer! Really great!
Are you sure about the numbering?
Collection, Collection 1 ...
and not
Collection, Collection 2
Collection 1, Collection 2
Before adding to database maybe you have some minutes time for on a teamviewer chat regarding some important content questions.
There are a few things to keep in mind before.

Great! Much appreciated!

Messages In This Thread
RE: [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Posters (aka Extraposter) - DISCUSSION - by chrissix666 - 2019-07-21, 17:25
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