Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature
The problem is well-understood, but there's only one dev (Dave) with the experience and motivation to work on Music library issues and features on a continuing basis, so it's a workload issue really.

MusicBrainz tagging system has what would be a potential design solution by listing the medium type and name/title for each physical medium in a release.  While Kodi currently only manages the "discnumber" within a release. MB defaults to disc 1, disc 2 etc if editor does not name the media.

But besides the database change we also need to design the "hooks" to display art, retrieve the data and provide means for skins to display it, etc.  From a skinning perspective, once the tools are in place skinning it would be straight-forward (could be handled analogous to movie sets/collections in the skin) although movie sets have their own limitations.  

scott s.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature - by scott967 - 2019-08-01, 17:19
[split] Singles - by garfield - 2019-10-06, 00:59
RE: [split] Singles - by Harbour - 2022-01-31, 09:15
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Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature0