Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature
(2019-08-04, 19:25)DaveBlake Wrote: does your music have DISCSUBTITLES?
Any box set tagged via Picard and MusicBrainz will have the disc subtitles available.

For albums like Pink Floyd's "The Wall", maybe think about filtering out "disc 1" and "disc 2" would keep multi-disc albums as one while still keeping the extras separate.

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RE: Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature - by BatterPudding - 2019-08-04, 20:29
[split] Singles - by garfield - 2019-10-06, 00:59
RE: [split] Singles - by Harbour - 2022-01-31, 09:15
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Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature0