Release - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners
(2019-08-10, 00:50)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2019-08-09, 23:54)bsoriano Wrote:
(2019-08-09, 23:37)jurialmunkey Wrote: I can add it, but the detailed item plugin path provides any easier way:

Getting the Folder Path from the Detailed Item
The detailed item plugin path provides a series of items in the following order (these are now always ordered this way).
0. Detailed Item,
1. Cast,
2. Recommended,
3. Similar,
4. Crew,
5. Keywords,
6. Reviews

You can access these in content paths by using the folder path for that item.
For instance, if your detailed item hidden list control is ID="10051"

You can create a cast list like so:

You can do that for any of the above lists. Just change the number in ListItemAbsolute().
You can get the name of the list too:
@jurialmunkey, even better, thank you! Big Grin

So that's an easy way for me to display the cast, but what would happen when I click on any cast item? Since it is not the standard cast list (id 50), I need to provide a custom onclick.  How do I then access the detailed info for that person from a custom person dialog? Sorry if these are basic questions and I am overlooking the obvious.  Thank you for your help.



Yes, you would need to provide a custom onclick.
Every list that's not itself a detailed list provides the detailed item path as ListItem.FolderPath

So if your cast list was ID=5000 then you could get the detailed info for the currently focused person with

That list in turn will produce the detailed item for the person and any associated lists.
The person lists are:
0. Detailed Item
1. Cast in Movies
2. Cast in Tv Shows
3. Crew in Movies
4. Crew in Tv Shows
5. Images

Every item will also put its tmdb_id in ListItem.Property(tmdb_id) so you can do some creative stacking of lists using plugin paths
e.g. You could have a series of lists all based off the focused item in the list above it:
1. Cast
2. Movies starring focused person in list(1)
3. Recommendations based on movies focused in list(2)
4. Similar movies to the recommendation focused in list(3)
5. Cast of the similar movie focused in list(4)
And so on...

In terms of calling info for a person, kodi doesn't provide an info dialog for actors, so you would need to create a custom window and pass the path to it via a window property. The main problem you will encounter is that there won't be a history of the windows called.

I am working on a way where the plugin will store it's history in window properties. In the meantime, if you want something like extendedinfo, then sualfred's is the way to go. It follows a similar principle to my plugin in that the video window provides a list ID=10051 that you then reference for all the info e.g. Container(10051).ListItem.Plot etc.

You can use my plugin in tandem with sualfred's script to provide additional lists and/or info that his script doesn't.

@jurialmunkey, thank you! I think that the easiest route for me then will be to call on the onclick for the cast item. I was planning on using the plugin anyway and skin the person dialog and the video dialog that come with the plugin.

I am loving being able to provide info for movies that are not in my library with your plugin, and I am so glad to be able to have again all of the tmdb widgets without a performance hit! Thank you so much for your wonderful work.



Messages In This Thread
RE: TheMovieDB Helper - by jurialmunkey - 2019-07-31, 11:47
RE: - Access to TheMovieDb API for Skinners - by bsoriano - 2019-08-10, 02:39
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