Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature
@black_eagle it is probably best I leave you learn by doing until you have something you would like me to look at (meaning something in a Github repo) . I'm happy to answer questions of course, and give suggestions when you really get stuck.

Meanwhile can others not get too excited when he says he has something "working", I know from experience that there will be more required before it is fit to add to Kodi. But I'm delighted that you are giving it a go @black_eagle, it really is the only way to begin to climb the Kodi mountain.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature - by DaveBlake - 2019-08-16, 10:03
[split] Singles - by garfield - 2019-10-06, 00:59
RE: [split] Singles - by Harbour - 2022-01-31, 09:15
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Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature0