Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature
(2019-08-16, 10:03)DaveBlake Wrote: @black_eagle it is probably best I leave you learn by doing until you have something you would like me to look at (meaning something in a Github repo) . I'm happy to answer questions of course, and give suggestions when you really get stuck.

Meanwhile can others not get too excited when he says he has something "working", I know from experience that there will be more required before it is fit to add to Kodi. But I'm delighted that you are giving it a go @black_eagle, it really is the only way to begin to climb the Kodi mountain.

Thanks Dave, I really appreciate that.  Yeah, I'm aware that it'll have to be in a Github repo.  Currently though, although I cloned Kodi locally, I haven't pushed anything to Github yet and in any case, various changes have already been made so what I have done so far will need rebasing at some point.

There is still much to do before it's anywhere near acceptable for Kodi.  There is no documentation for anything yet, there is a bunch of logging to remove that isn't helpful to anyone but me and some of the stuff might not meet the coding standards, although I have tried to follow the guidelines with regard to variable naming, spacing and {} etc. I haven't touched JSON and I need to add the subtitles to import and export of the library.  There is probably also other stuff that I haven't either considered or tripped up over that will need sorting.

There's also ListItem.DBType.  Do I need to add a 'boxset' to that ?  Guess that might remove the hit & miss method I have at the moment for displaying sets, but in that case, how do I do it ??  Lots to think about, and lots to consider.......

I do have a question though Dave !!  I know you develop on Windows, and I was wondering if it's possible to run Kodi inside VS and be able to step through/into it, if you set a breakpoint in a function and if so, is it possible to get variable values in VS using variable names ?  I can do it to a certain extent on Linux using gdb, but the code is assembly and variables are only memory locations which makes things a bit more difficult to pin down at times.  Mostly I've been dumping stuff out to the log file in order to 'see' what's going on inside Kodi.
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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RE: Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature - by black_eagle - 2019-08-16, 20:05
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Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature0