Mod ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)
(2019-02-16, 03:55)KrispyKreme Wrote: Just downloaded the latest update to Leia on my shield and noticed the Dolby Atmos and DTS-X logos do not show up for movies anymore. Also if you go to movie info, the movie time is zeroed out. Other than that I have not noticed anything out of place. If I do, I will post it. Keep up the great work on this skin Smile

I noticed incorrect movie duration as well. Hopefully Funkd will get around to fixing the issues. Been using his skin for 4 years now. Can't imagine my home theater system without it!

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RE: ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH) - by DAlba - 2019-09-03, 23:20
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ScopeNox - Aeon Nox for 2.35/Scope Projector Screens (Zoomed CIH)3