kodi and graphic equalizers
(2019-11-07, 10:29)fritsch Wrote: With your lsusb and your aplay you could clearly see that instead what you describe the DAC is directly attached to Linux, means: Linux uses the c-media driver to output, resample, etc. the bits to your external DAC, depending on what you have in kodi.log you get the full range and samplerates or not.

There is limited sense in doing SW equalizer on PC side, if you rely on audiophile quality with your DAC. You need to find something that processes in float and losslessly converts to 24 bit or whatever you had before. An old version of kodi (version 17) had some biquad filters that you can use to implement an equalizer.

Is there a way I can point kodi at the equalizer though? So that normally I listen as-is, but when I need to tweak the treble a little I can do so?   How is Kodi producing the audio output list?

Messages In This Thread
kodi and graphic equalizers - by Troy McClure - 2019-11-06, 02:22
RE: kodi and graphic equalizers - by fritsch - 2019-11-06, 09:07
RE: kodi and graphic equalizers - by fritsch - 2019-11-07, 10:29
RE: kodi and graphic equalizers - by Troy McClure - 2019-11-07, 11:15
RE: kodi and graphic equalizers - by fritsch - 2019-11-07, 12:58
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