Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware
(2019-11-18, 05:17)antony23 Wrote: Hi, i would make some questions to better understand.

All TV's accept switching frame rate? Or they have to support a specific protocol? Tv's can accept any framerate value until its max framerate?

In Europe yes - all TVs accept both 50Hz and 59.94/60Hz HDMI sources as standard - it's a requirement for the HD Ready, HD Ready 1080p, etc. labelling. 23.976/24Hz support isn't (or wasn't) mandated legally - but is universally supported. (25/29.97/30Hz isn't always implemented at every resolution - but with 50/59.94/60Hz support this is a non-issue)

In the US, 50Hz (and/or 25Hz) ISN'T universally supported by mainstream TVs (there is no legal requirement to do so in North America, and these standards aren't used for broadcast or DVD/Blu-ray releases in North America) Some sets do support it - some don't.

TV's don't accept all frame rates up to their max - they have to have specific support enabled for each frame rate.

There is no specific protocol required to support multiple frame rate support - EDID (the standard communication method over HDMI) signalling tells a source what frame rates and resolutions the display accepts, and the source then sends signals accordingly. HDMI standards for all the major frame rates and resolutions are defined - and TV's recognise them and re-sync accordingly.

NB - this is for fixed frame rates - there are also nVidia and AMD gaming solutions that now support variable frame rate video output - these are totally different - and not standard on consumer TVs (though they may well become so)
Quote:And what happens if box is connected directly to A/V receiver, so box->AV receiver->Tv? This could break someway frame rate matching?

It shouldn't do - particularly if you have a European TV and a European AVR. If you have a 4K source and TV but only an HD AVR then you would lose 4K though (and if your TV and AVR support '4K Enhanced' i.e. 4:2:2 12-bit 2160p50/59.94/60 and your AVR doesn't - then you will lose that functionality) Similarly some older AVRs had 4K upscaled output, but wouldn't actually accept a 4K input - so it pays to read the specs clearly.
Quote:More, i would question about auto resolution switching too, that it seems related to frame rate switching.
It seems that auto frame rate switching needs auto resolution set to auto, ex. in the amazon firestick. it is mandatory to let frame rate switching works correctly? And if "auto reoslution switching" is not available?

They aren't totally linked - and with the right whitelisting you can only enable 720p, 1080p, 2160p outputs for one frame rate if you wanted to avoid different frame rates being used (Kodi Whitelists only include frame rates and resolutions your display+AVR combo supports) - though why you would want to do that in most situations I don't know (as fixed frame rate = judder for other frame rate content)

IF you don't use whitelisting and just have a fixed resolution output, you can still use frame rate switching (you just enable it in player settings)
Quote:Ex. using auto FR switching, and having a 1080p24 content, which will send to a 4k TV? 

If you have no whitelist, but your TV supports 24p input, then 1080p24 content will be output at 24p and at the fixed resolution you have set Kodi to run at in settings (720p, 1080p, 2160p etc.). If you have 1080p24 whitelisted modes enabled then it will output 1080p24 at 1080p24 - even if your Kodi resolution is set for 720p, 1080pk, 2160p etc.
Quote:And if we have instead an interlaced video content, ex. 1080i50, what happens? Could setting auto FR swithcing and auto Resolution switching send 1080i50 to TV? Or IIRC kodi cannot output interlaced content? Maybe other apps can?

1080i25, 576i25 etc. interlaced content will be deinterlaced to 1080p50 etc. and either output in a whitelisted mode or your fixed resolution mode at 50Hz. Kodi always denterlaces interlaced to progressive (it doesn't have native interlaced pass-through for many, many reasons) As a result you need to ensure your platform and Kodi set-up have high quality 2x deinterlacing (so 1080i25 is deinterlaced to 1080p50 not 1080p25)

NB Amazon Fire TV Devices don't have universally good quality deinterlacing - and sometimes only support deinterlacing 1080i MPEG2 not h.264 for instance... (Some devices also struggle with the different flavours of h.264 interlaced content - MBAFF, PAFF, separate field etc.)

(NB when discussing interlace and progressive formats - there are two standard ways of describing them. 1080/50i - where the letter comes second - uses the image rate, 1080i25 or 1080/i25 where the letter comes first, always uses the frame rate - so 1080/50i = 1080i25 - the 50=field rate, or image rate, the 25=frame rate.)

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RE: Auto frame rate switching & dynamic range matching - 4K (HDR10) capable Hardware - by noggin - 2019-11-18, 11:07
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