Android NVIDIA Shield TV Pro (2019 new model)
(2019-11-21, 13:13)antony23 Wrote: Hi, atm surely ODROID N2 and ATV 4k are the best solutions, but on the first one we only have Kodi, and on the second one we only have mrMC and only tvOS apps (very limited close system).

The only os that keeps the best of both would be Android, so nvidia shield should be the route... Could someone make me a summary on nvidia shiled 2019 vs Apple Tv 4k ? 


Pretty simply.

If you are talking about flexibility with Sideloading Tablet Android Apps into the Nvidia Shield, you are then also dealing with landscape/portrait display issues and tablet Apps controlability issues.
A seperate purchased Air Mouse is then needed, which entirely defeats the purpose of the leanback Android TV OS interface in the very first place.

The 2019 Shield is a Swiss Army knife of a media player, not an expert in any one field but flexible, especially for those that like to fiddle and are firmly entrenched in Android land.
However beware the bugs, and for the 2019 Shield you are currently dealing with Beta Hotfix Test Firmware if you want working colorspace switching - that comes with extra bugs too. You have then effectively turned yourself into a Nvidia Firmware text guinea pig.
I hope you are the patient type.

The Apple TV 4K is the Gold standard for a 4K HDR DV (lossy) Atmos streaming media player. It really does get the best Firmware support around and Apps are nicely polished with most of them using Cinema type features like auto Frame Rate Matching.
Which is really important for territories around the world that have to deal with 25/50fps and also 24p video playback all on the one device.

ATV 4K also runs a sharp shiny 4K user interface that looks great on a 65” OLED !
Where I live there is better tvOS Apps availability and support vs Android TV as well, (excluding direct install Kodi) it is NOT a limited Apps eco system at all

The ODROID N2, running CoreELEC Kodi is laser focused in providing the best 4K HDR, HD audio Kodi Leia experience you can get. You also get to fiddle and tweak around a bit in Linux land if needed.
It really gets great support from the CE guys and just works. Reliable these days. Set and forget.

So ultimately the question is are you a tweaker, and like to fiddle and fart around in Android land, problem solving or do you just want something that is Plug n Play and just works even if it means a couple of device might be needed ?

Personally I’m time poor these days and just want Plug n Play and reliability, out of the box.

Others will have different requirements and that’s fine too, there is no one size fits all.


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