Beta Metadata Editor - Update library + .nfo informations
I'm coming from a thread were I'm wondering how to write the <userrating> I create with Kodi's GUI into the .nfo of the video. Looking at the opening post, it seems the RunScript(script.metadata.editor,action=updaterating,dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID],type=$INFO[ListItem.DBType]) action will retrieve <rating> from online sources and then write it to the .nfo. Being that it's close to what I need, I wanted to ask if you could implement a RunScript command that will update a given field on the .nfo of the video. There's currently no way, that I know of, to export the .nfo of one file (instead of the whole library), nor to export a singular field (instead of all the fields).

Messages In This Thread
RE: Metadata Editor - Update library + .nfo informations - by firewater - 2019-12-02, 01:05
Metadata editor error - by BartZorn - 2023-02-23, 10:02
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