Release script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative
(2020-01-25, 13:45)sualfred Wrote: I don't see any difference of the stored fanart path of "Bridge of Spies".
Both are having : H:\Filme\Bridge of Spies Der Unterhändler (2015)\Bridge of Spies Der Unterhändler (2015)-fanart.jpg

Weird that it works after you refreshed the item. Umlauts are no problem. Fixed that months ago.

But where does this exception came from? It's not related to the image blurring. What are you doing in this moment so I can reproduce it?

I just navigate to next movie (Bringing Out The Deead) and back again and open Info.

ONE THING I MISSED and not tested is the bahaviour when local nfo ist stored, which was the case here.

No time now to test myself to see if it's came from local nfo's.

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RE: script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative - by User 405025 - 2020-01-25, 13:52
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