Release script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative
I am using Kodi 18.5 on my Nvidia Shield TV with Amber 3.2.31 and Embuary helper 1.3.9 downloaded from the Kodi add-on repository.

On some files (movies or tv shows), when I press the info button, I have the details that appear, but I also have a message with an Embuary helper error :
If I deactivate the Embuary helper, I no longer have this error message.

After several attempts, I think I have found when the Embuary helper causes an error message.
It is each time that I want to display the information window of a video with accented characters (like é, è, ê or à for example) in its title.
With videos that don't have accented characters in their title, it works fine and I don't get this error message.

Would this be a problem with only the French language ?

@sualfred, would you know where this problem with Embuary helper can come from ? Can you fix it ?

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RE: script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative - by Cyberdom - 2020-01-28, 23:18
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