Release [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - DISCUSSION
(2020-02-08, 00:55)Konon Wrote: Aeon Nox: SiLVO has Character Poster Sets support
Looking nice!  Cool Seldom see the stuff outside my developer skin!
Cause i registered you have connections to guys. Maybe you can convince them for a section for polished Character Poster sets.
I like much, but really gave it up with the "CEO's" there. That's why am doing my own stuff now under the Kyra brand name.
A place for the stuff not want (even before could explain the concept saying no)

Sets are more focussed on original published content from movie advertising companies. struggles keeping a basic community for retouched main posters. and it was a long way there.
So it's complete unrealistic build and provide a whole library of whole "polished copies from original" sets.
Then also getting muddle like TMDB poster libary, mixing original and polished copies together, getting in kodi original poster in case views and polished in intented poster views. horrible.
Of course also the advertising companies sometimes releasing polished material without billing clock stuff and it's also in the collection. Of course unique transversions from foreign languages and unique self creations always nice.

BTW when googling images for character posters, in contrary to other Kyra Projects, results are far beyond from listened on top, but for any reason the Terminator 2 set is on toppest to find.
So i guess google algorithm recognized it's a complete new creation. Is it? Never saw this set in any way.
Don't know what the most common title logo in your language is... on my DVD's and Blu-Rays (all english) it's this ->
Maybe you have time and desire make an version with this logo  Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: KyraDB [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - DISCUSSION - by chrissix666 - 2020-02-08, 01:28
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