[END HAS COME for] KyraDB.com - A free site for animated gifs and more (with API)
Setup cloudflare to mirror and cache your never changing files.
Bandwith on your provider would probably drop by 95%...

Are there already some low-res preview graphics available?
Or still only full sized ones?

ok, no bandwith issues, but file count issues - thats another story...
tinyMediaManager - THE media manager of your choice :)
Wanna help translate TMM ?

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RE: [END HAS COME for] KyraDB.com - A free site for animated gifs and more (with API) - by myron - 2020-04-13, 20:17
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[END HAS COME for] KyraDB.com - A free site for animated gifs and more (with API)3