Release script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative
@sualfred, I am also in the process of replacing skin helper backgrounds. I know your addon already provides global random backgrounds for movies, tv shows and artists. What I am missing right now are music videos and movie playlists. I tried doing those with hidden lists, but have the issue that if an item in the playlist does not have fanart, then a black background will be shown.

I am trying to have the ability in Amber to select a playlist (only movies) as a background for a menu item, so that it shows random fanart from the movies in the playlist, but skipping any movies with no fanart.

Would you consider adding functionality like this to your addon? Thanks.

Also, would you consider adding the title and logo (if available) of the movie/tv show/artist as window properties for the random backgrounds that the addon provides? I display the title/tv show title/artist name and logo for the backgrounds in Amber.  Thanks.



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RE: script.embuary.helper - a skin helper service / widgets alternative - by bsoriano - 2020-04-21, 12:52
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