Solved Documentation for Music Library Nodes
From my experience, the folder type may not be able to do what you want. The paths there are vfs paths. I suspect you really need information about vfs paths rather than nodes. If you can find the correct vfs path, it should work.

What I can say is, using the filter type nodes I referenced above, I have been able to recreate my own complex folder structure. Including multiple genres and sub genres of music, Audiobooks, Podcasts, DJ Mixes and Audio Drama. All these sources have sub menus and six differnt widgets per source including fully separated recently added.

It may not work for you, but it certainly does for me. As I said previously you want info on vfs path in Kodi. The folder node just accepts a working vfs path. If the path works, the folder node will work.

Hope that helps.

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RE: Documentation for Music Library Nodes - by LongMan - 2020-05-02, 23:29
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