WIP Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread
(2020-05-15, 19:40)gully53 Wrote: Just noticed though....looks like my Jackie Chan and spaghetti westerns ended up with non-english titles. To force english titles, would I go into the IMDB scraper, check Force title langue to USA, remove movies with non-english titles from ember library and then rescan them in again?
I've never had an issue where it didn't get the correct title, maybe @DanCooper can chime in on the best setting to use if that is happening

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RE: Ember Media Manager 1.5.x - Discussion Thread - by komplex - 2020-05-15, 22:53
Miscellaneous > Media List Editor - by pstrg - 2020-06-09, 02:38
MovieSets - by pstrg - 2020-06-11, 22:01
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Ember Media Manager 1.9.x - Download & Discussion Thread2