[RELEASE] AutoWidget - Let your widgets work for you!
(2020-05-25, 16:55)justin150 Wrote: I could not see this being addressed in the first 15 pages(!), I have a request which may or may not be possible.

Suppose I have a series of autowidgets, some of which are shortcut groups, some of which are next path widgets.  What I want to be able to do is refresh one specific widget and leave the rest alone. To be specific I want to be able to set up a series of sub-menu items that refresh specific autowidgets only.

Currently I cannot see a way of doing that.  I am guessing a RunPlugin Command that refers to the specific widget and mode=force might work but my skills in this area are a bit limited.

The reason I want to do this is because I am trying to produce a build for my tablet.  With a small screen (and my fat fingers) I need to be really careful how I present information on the screen. Many of the skins I like that work with touch screen only allow 2 widgets on a touch screen (one of which will be the sub-menu widget in my build) and I want to get around that limit.  An example might be my main menu Movie item: I will have one widget working as a sub menu and the second widget I would want to point to a next path autowidget group (for example containing Trending Movies, Library Movie Sets, Library Anime Movies, Library Random Movies).  When I am in the movie section of the home menu I only want to refresh that movie widget not the entire build

You can actually do this now Smile

You'll need to turn on the advanced editing settings, and then edit one of the widgets listed in "Active Widgets", to find it's "id" parameter. You can then use that ID in the following path:


If you're wanting to do it in an AutoWidget shortcut group, the easiest way is to add any shortcut (I usually use AutoWidget's own "Force Refresh Widgets"), and then edit the path in the shortcut group, leaving off the extra stuff, so it looks like:


You can also refresh each widget individually from the context menu in "Active Widgets" at any time, as well. Bear in mind that the menu will show widgets, even if they aren't showing in the skin... which is due to the fact that AutoWidget doesn't have a very good way of detecting when a widget is deleted. Future versions will have an easier way to "clean up" after itself, but for now, you can compare which ones are in the menu versus which ones are displaying, and remove "dead" ones from "Edit Widget".

Messages In This Thread
RE: [RELEASE] AutoWidget - Let your widgets work for you! - by drinfernoo - 2020-05-25, 19:15
Suggestion for next version - by justin150 - 2021-03-08, 13:37
Android Shortcuts - by JSAKelley - 2022-01-12, 05:33
RE: Android Shortcuts - by jdig4240 - 2022-01-12, 07:11
RE: Android Shortcuts - by JSAKelley - 2022-01-12, 16:10
RE: Android Shortcuts - by jdig4240 - 2022-01-12, 16:51
RE: Android Shortcuts - by JSAKelley - 2022-01-12, 23:19
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[RELEASE] AutoWidget - Let your widgets work for you!1