Release script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions
(2020-06-12, 03:16)jurialmunkey Wrote:
(2020-06-11, 15:20)bsoriano Wrote: I tried with this:

[$EXP[Exp_View_54] + Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector)] | [!Skin.HasSetting(hide.lowlistview)]

You also need to check that the "Enable.NewViewSelector" setting is not set in the second half of your condition - otherwise the view is always visible as long as "hide.lowlistview" is not set.

It needs to be:
[$EXP[Exp_View_54] + Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector)] | [!Skin.HasSetting(hide.lowlistview) + !Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector)]
(2020-06-11, 12:47)bsoriano Wrote: I saw on GitHub that your latest commit adds a condition to disable the view lock, how does that work?

It basically adds a condition like your "Enable.NewViewSelector" to the Expressions.

To the top of your json file you add
"condition": "Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector)",

That will basically construct conditions like so:
[Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector) + NORMALEXPRESSION] | [!Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector) + ALLOWEDRULES]

The "normalexpression" part will be the same as what the script normally makes. The "allowedrules" part will be any rule that has the viewtype ID specified in the rule's viewtype list. For instance, if in my script you normally permit the user to choose ID 54 for Container.Content(movies) and Container.Content(episodes) then the condition will look like this:
[Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector) + NORMALEXPRESSION] | [!Skin.HasSetting(Enable.NewViewSelector) + [Container.Content(movies) | Container.Content(episodes)]]

But that's not that much use to you if you also want to have the "hide.lowlistview" in the condition.
@jurialmunkey , thank you so much! I appreciate your explanation and I apologize if I asked something that should have been obvious.  This works perfectly! Smile



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RE: script.skinvariables - Construct multiple skin variables from a template. - by bsoriano - 2020-06-12, 04:03
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