Release [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - DISCUSSION
Hahaha, i just now saw your DeviantArt and i am so happy seeing this, really! It's looking so nice!
You have created nice uniform preview images with a collage similar i know it from the former Google Picasa photo stacking feature. You also mention explicit kodi on the covers.
I see you have adapted it similar like Bl4CKSL4YER but in your own way. Ill take a clover look on weekend.

Short advice from my side. Don't spent too much effort into the content right know. Only 10 or so and then trying out and playing around with the features.
To get the handling there takes a bit, i am still confused on some stuff there. Also testing out if its good and comftable for bulk/batching.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [ARTWORK PROJECT] Character Poster Sets - DISCUSSION - by chrissix666 - 2020-06-20, 00:10
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