Best Kodi Hardware??
If you not in a hurry then consider waiting for the upcoming official Android TV dongle from Google, or the upcoming Xiaomi 4K Mi TV stick with Android TV, which will both probably come out within a couple of months, see

An official Android TV dongle from Google would surely be a safe bet if you want long-term support. Nvidia Shield TV has otherwise proven to be the Android TV devices with best long-term support.

Messages In This Thread
Best Kodi Hardware?? - by owlietenil2 - 2020-06-30, 19:55
RE: Best Kodi Hardware?? - by Raitsa - 2020-06-30, 20:00
RE: Best Kodi Hardware?? - by bubblegum57 - 2020-06-30, 21:35
RE: Best Kodi Hardware?? - by wrxtasy - 2020-07-01, 02:28
RE: Best Kodi Hardware?? - by RockerC - 2020-07-01, 10:49
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