Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)
(2020-07-04, 17:39)wyrm Wrote: @ontap ,

well sport you opened a can of worms there. I would like to say its the fault of Embuary helper script, but does not seem quite that simple.  Trying to find a solution, but it might take a while.

The playlists and favourites widgets are highly customisable and very powerful, BUT it is possible for a user to give the system some crazy stuff to deal with. For example, I managed to have a widget that had pictures, videos and .nfo files displayed (the .nfo's did nothing). Will have to try to come up with a way to filter the widgets so that only video and music files are shown. Think the issue with episodes relates to this as I think Embuary helper is agragating multiple episodes together if there are multiples for each show shown in the widget. 

Will investigate further

Good luck mate.

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RE: Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot) - by ontap - 2020-07-04, 22:56
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Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)1