[RELEASE] AutoWidget - Let your widgets work for you!
(2020-08-26, 01:14)Rijs43 Wrote: Hi,

I get an error message when trying to add a widget by going to Groups and then choose the group were I have exploded the local genres for Movies / TV shows, however when exploding genres from Plex addon all is working however takes much longer for widgets to load.

Autowidget is showing message the group was added.. however when going into AH skin and try to add the local genre exloded group as a widget an error is being displayed. All fine when choosing the exploded Plex genre group as a widget.

Any known issues here?


The only way I can offer support for errors is if you can provide a log file.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [RELEASE] AutoWidget - Let your widgets work for you! - by drinfernoo - 2020-08-29, 15:11
Suggestion for next version - by justin150 - 2021-03-08, 13:37
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RE: Android Shortcuts - by jdig4240 - 2022-01-12, 07:11
RE: Android Shortcuts - by JSAKelley - 2022-01-12, 16:10
RE: Android Shortcuts - by jdig4240 - 2022-01-12, 16:51
RE: Android Shortcuts - by JSAKelley - 2022-01-12, 23:19
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[RELEASE] AutoWidget - Let your widgets work for you!1