Android "Google Chromecast with Google TV" dongle with a new "Google TV" ecosystem and UI
Looking once more on the datasheet. It seems it is not AV1 capable from hw pov. That means, even if the SW matures a lot - you probably have to replace it next year christmas. Really not sure what they thought ... perhaps they frequenctly fix their android implementation which I highly expect from google, then we have some fun with it.

So - on my list:
- Implement YUV 10 bit scanout
- Implement HBR bitstream audio support (8 channel IEC)
- Expose the proper refreshrates via the API YOU (google) invented
- Implement what the chip supports (Dolby-Vision, HQ scaling, etc.)
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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RE: "Google Chromecast with Google TV" dongle with a new "Google TV" ecosystem and UI - by fritsch - 2020-10-11, 20:25
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"Google Chromecast with Google TV" dongle with a new "Google TV" ecosystem and UI0