Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)
Hi guys,

very quick announcement. Is mainly a bug fix release so will not do my usual song and dance, but version 1.6.5 is now available in the main Kodi repo. Have included two new features for @pierocol  and @HiroProtagonist . Basically audio flags on music visualisation screen and profile names on Home Screen, please let me know if any issues with these.

If required a FULL debug log can now be submitted from the skin in settings->skin settings->support. Or follow instructions here if you can't access skin settings.

FAQ's located at :-

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How i add submenus - by rouchi - 2020-04-23, 19:31
RE: Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot) - by wyrm - 2020-10-20, 11:03
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Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)1