Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)
(2020-10-20, 13:57)pierocol Wrote: I had forgotten to let you know something I noticed in the recent past: I had created a couple of nice icons for the home screen (play disc, eject disc, and rock concert movies). Every time a new version of your skin is installed, I have to copy the icons that I have stored in a proper folder again in the home menu icons folder. I wonder if this can be avoided. No big deal of course, unless your user does not back up the custom icons somewhere...
@pierocol ,

you don’t have to add them to the skins icons directory you can store them anywhere, in fact it would be better to not store them there. When the file selector is displayed, just go back a level and navigate to where you normally keep your image files. The default directory shown is just that, a default directory to some skin provided icons.

There is also no reason why I can’t include your icons with the skin. Don’t be shy, post them here for us to take a look at, and they might just make the next release ( providing you don’t mind including them).


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How i add submenus - by rouchi - 2020-04-23, 19:31
RE: Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot) - by wyrm - 2020-10-20, 16:58
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Announcing new skin, AppTV (xTV-SAF reboot)1