Android 2019 - Amazon Fire TV Cube - AMLogic S922Z
Quote:020-11-09 17:44:32.167 T:19931  NOTICE: Trying to open: samplerate: 48000, channelMask: 6396, encoding: 4
2020-11-09 17:44:32.201 T:19931  NOTICE: CAESinkAUDIOTRACK::Initializing with: m_sampleRate: 48000 format: AE_FMT_FLOAT (AE) method: PCM stream-type: PCM-STREAM min_buffer_size: 246400 m_frames: 1925 m_frameSize: 32 channels: 8

From kodi pov, everything perfect. 8 Channels 32 bit float. What the firmware does with it, you only see in the adb log.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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RE: 2019 - Amazon Fire TV Cube - AMLogic S922Z - by fritsch - 2020-11-10, 08:07
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2019 - Amazon Fire TV Cube - AMLogic S922Z0