Release WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state
(2021-01-07, 11:42)dubster Wrote: I'm on Kodi 19, Matrix and trying to use the plugin with Dropbox.

I go to configure, click on the Dropbox Auth Code which provides me an onscreen QR code.
I scan this on my phone, login to dropbox and an authcode is provided.
I type this in to Kodi and click OK but unfortunately the auth code is never saved.
WL then reports there is an Empty Dropbox Auth code.

Is there some other way I have to get the Auth code in so that it sticks?
Perhaps there is still an error in taking over the inserted Auth code (last step). The first steps looked good. I am not sure if I did test this on Kodi Matrix.
My approach before was to use Yatse (Android remote control app for Kodi) to insert the code.
I think Kodi 19 (Matrix) is not supported yet by Yatse.
Copy pasting the long cryptic code by hand is very annoying and error-prone.

One alternative could be to install Kodi 18 on a device, connect Dropbox there and then copy-paste the code between the settings.xml files (.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.watchedlist/settings.xml).
(2021-01-07, 12:19)dubster Wrote: Ok, I've just seen the disclaimer in the Wiki saying you can no longer use dropbox. *sigh*
The Wiki page for the Dropbox addon is not valid for Kodi Matrix (since it is still in alpha stage).
The whole process should in principle also work in Kodi Matrix. I fixed several bugs and migrated the code to python 3 to enable this.
I had to split up the code for the Dropbox addon itself and the authorization addon. Once Kodi Matrix is released, I will update the Wiki accordingly.
(2021-01-07, 12:12)dubster Wrote: During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
TypeError: function takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
This should be fixed in a few days and updated automatically, if you installed the addon from the official repository.
(2021-01-07, 12:12)dubster Wrote: requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
I will have a look at this, once I am able to debug by inserting the auth code with the Yatse app.

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RE: WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state - by schapplm - 2021-01-24, 11:03
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