Release script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions
@jurialmunkey Hi, I have a couple of quick question about building viewtypes

First question, what are all the _Include expressions for?

<expression name="Exp_View_50_Include">True</expression>

Next, why am I getting the following conditional checks:-

[[String.IsEmpty(Container.PluginName)] | [!String.IsEmpty(Container.PluginName)]]

Aren't these completely redundant and should always equate to True.

And finally how do I hide my view selector button if there is only one view for a given section? Is there a way to tell if the current container only has one view to select from?


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RE: script.skinvariables - Construct multiple skin variables from a template. - by roidy - 2021-04-18, 10:42
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