Release script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions
at 44yo and only having done html way back in 2006, and recently coming back into kodi when it become matrix I feel i need python 3 for big big dummy's Book lol,
But none the less i'll play with it just for the fun of it no matter how many times I break it.
love your work JM, i got so confused originally thinking the where different coded skin versions just using the same look with the mod skin, now know they where your master works of art, and skins like AZ2 and your new AH are art, look forward to seeing how AH develops over time.
Reading through here looks like i want to look at python 3 code.
I feel with Age some brain cells have given up but anything like this feels like good brain exercise.

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RE: script.skinvariables - Construct multiple skin variables from a template. - by Silent Knight - 2021-06-05, 11:10
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script.skinvariables - Construct skin variables and perform other skin functions0