Beta Testflight access to beta version
1.7.2 Build 2393

Release Notes

What needs testing: The internal maintenance rework still needs a thorough look at all features you typically use. With this version the sort-commands to Kodi were reworked to not violate the JSON API anymore. This should have no impact at all, it just avoids future problems when Kodi should reject such malformed requests. Other bugfixes were smaller ones (see release notes).

What comes next: Main changes to come are the UI updates (menu and toolbar icons, remote, App icon), as well as features like ignoring 1-movie sets, supporting favourites and configurable main menu.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Testflight access to beta version - by Buschel - 2021-06-21, 21:22
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 15:26
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 18:36
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:01
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:44
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:47
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:57
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 19:28
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:13
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:25
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 13:34
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 16:53
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