Beta Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection
Hi @Solo0815 !
I must say this PVR-OSD looks really slick. I will try to implement this but with my skills it may take some time ^^ But to be honest I like it.
(2021-06-23, 21:10)Solo0815 Wrote: There is a problem with the progressbar. It should be in highlight-color, but I couldn't manage to do it Sad

I can't test it right now because I'm on Kodi 20 atm and there is no working ColorPicker. I wanted to implement that one from Arctic Horizon. In this way we would not need ColorPicker anymore Wink Also I'm planning to add some gradients to this skin Smile So this may be my next goal for now. After it we will try to re-implement PVR-OSD. Absolutely on my TODO list!
(2021-06-23, 21:10)Solo0815 Wrote: If you need sample code, pls let me know.

This would help a lot Wink
(2021-06-23, 21:10)Solo0815 Wrote: up should open "info", down should go to to the "channel-switcher"

What device you are using? On my CoreELEC when I press up it opens info and pressing down twice switch channel. Tomorrow I will check how it's behave on Android TV box Smile

Ok, just tested and highlight color works:

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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by heppen - 2021-06-23, 21:34
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 01:30
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 01:39
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 07:19
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 07:50
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 08:21
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 08:25
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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 09:52
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 11:14
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 20:39
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 21:02
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 21:33
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-05, 23:46
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-06, 08:46
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-08, 10:15
RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-09, 16:52
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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-15, 13:32
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RE: Arctic: Zephyr 2 - Resurrection - by iMak - 2021-07-13, 14:18
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