Beta Testflight access to beta version
I could certainly help test it, I use this app daily.

I will say, I only discovered the gesture pad on the remote while trying to find the top/bottom offset toggle. So I don’t really have any familiarity with it so far. I can try and see how it feels as it currently is first and then see how it works if the navigation gesture were enabled.

I do see there is a bit of padding around the edge, my thought would be the gesture requires you to be relatively close to the edge to trigger this gesture but I don’t know for sure. I’m sure the code paints a clear picture as to how this get activated.

As for the second remote view, the on the now playing screen, well I guess I never even paid attention to it before. Seems to me a bit redundant. You would have to use the remote pane to navigate Kodi on a tv, and then start some content. Then you would have to use the burger button and navigate to the now playing pane which gives you a limited remote and a pretty “album” art of whatever is playing. Seems like extra taps to get reduced functionality. You already know what’s playing, as I would assume it’s being watched. Maybe other people like it.

Just some more thoughts regarding the remote pane. Something I thought of. With all the extra vertical space on modern phones would it be possible to implement vertical scale sizing on some of the buttons instead of just scaled positions. Obviously the navigation buttons are the primary buttons and their size reflects that but beyond that I would think the play/pause, stop etc row would be the next most used. I know for me I use the play/pause button the most. I’m thinking back to vcr style remotes with oversized tactile buttons and the play/pause was always easy to hit. Might it be possible to scale the size of that row vertically to fill up some of the empty space? It certainly would make it easier to hit them.

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