Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature
I will try it, thanks - not optimistic though because the tag is correct - if I tag it in Picard (using DISCSUBTITLE) when I look at the extended tags in mp3tag I see the data listed there under SETSUBTITLE.

The failure appears to be on the Kodi side? I will try it before making assumptions though.

edit - so I loaded up the folders in Tagscanner, and could see that SETSUBTITLE was already filled in with the values I wanted. I did it again and saved just in case.

It worked! Something weird about the tag created by the other two apps then?

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RE: Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature - by Darwock - 2021-10-13, 01:36
[split] Singles - by garfield - 2019-10-06, 00:59
RE: [split] Singles - by Harbour - 2022-01-31, 09:15
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Managing music albums Box-Sets properly with KODI library feature0