Beta Testflight access to beta version

For the swipe gesture I’m not sure what would work best. I think there are a few things to consider.

I compared swiping in Safari and there if you swipe slowly left or right you do need to hit that 50% mark for the gesture to pass through. This makes sense for slow swiping.

Most apps seems to allow flicking and in those cases requiring 50% is too strict. There must be some way to detect the acceleration of the swipe. I would say probably best to mimic what Safari uses as that has been my experience in most apps.

However, something else to consider. I noticed this before but didn’t think it that big of a deal but since you’re looking at this may as well bring it up.

Most apps require the swipe gesture to originate somewhere near the screen edge. This app however does not in certain spots. For example on the remote control view you can pretty much touch anywhere on the screen and swipe and the swipe gesture is activated. I’m not exactly against this but it’s also not my normal experience in other iOS apps. Maybe some tweaks could be implemented as a test to see how it feels with Safari style swipe gestures?

Another implication of swipe anywhere is you can degrade this apps performance by being in the remote control view and swiping left and right back and forth without letting go. For lack of a better term the app feels like it’s hiccuping while bringing up the left panel and the right settings screen in rapid succession. I bet this is because these screens are initialized freshly each time they’re viewed and there wasn’t ever a way to quickly and seamlessly bring up both screens from a single back and forth swipe gesture. So it wasn’t really designed to handle this.

Sometimes you can swing the remote control back and forth quickly enough you will find that it gets stuck in place and might not be able to slide all the way back to center itself until you let go of the screen.

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RE: Testflight access to beta version - by amasephy - 2021-11-08, 21:23
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Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 16:53
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