Beta Testflight access to beta version
I was thinking over the same problem: If I change the behaviour now, and the issue is just a regression of the current Kodi version (for now we don't really know), I would change the desired default sorting (year, ascending) to something less user friendly. Maybe I just keep this change at hand, but not raise any pull request for now. We can use the time to figure out since when this is broken and when it might be fixed. Btw, just to be sure I checked if sort by "year, ascending" still work for music albums: it does. So maybe the issue you observe, just happens for movies inside movie collections.

When the App is sorting locally the section headers are shown (I guess this is what you called "labels" in your last comment). When the default sorting (the one which came from Kodi) is used these section headers are not shown. Exception: If more than 100 items are shown, the sections are displayed as well to enable quicker navigation by using the index in the right side. So, not seeing the section headers is a clear sign of seeing the list as it comes from Kodi.

Btw, did you ever use "Music Roles"? Was this ever working for any other role than "Artist"?

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Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 15:26
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 18:36
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:01
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:44
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Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:57
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 19:28
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:13
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:25
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 13:34
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 16:53
RE: Testflight access to beta version - by Buschel - 2022-01-01, 20:58
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