Beta Testflight access to beta version
@amasephy, Good morning!

I found a solution for the "keyboard" topic. Now the keyboard is already restored when going back to the pane after swiping left to the main menu. The "default view" I could also hopefully get it finally right. The selection is correctly marked in the main menu on both iPad and iPhone. If another view was active before, it is unselected and the desired "default view" started and selected in the main menu. If the desired "default view" is already active, it is not reloaded, but just stays up.

On top of this I also worked on a few more improvements:
  • New setting: Fallback to "art" when "fanart" is not present (PR#583)
  • Move "Prefer TV Show poster" to app settings (PR#584)
  • Add view options for TV Shows (PR#585)

Especially the last one is really nice. You need to resync the TV Shows data once, then you can switch the view in the App settings and do not need to resync anymore for each change of the setting. Also, the grid view and fullscreen on iPad is now supported. I was even thinking of removing the app setting "Prefer TV Show posters" completely and add a third view mode to the bottom toolbar (banner, list, grid). But this takes more work and I will not do it right away.

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RE: Testflight access to beta version - by Buschel - 2022-01-30, 10:20
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