"Symbol" skin updated
tnx for the tip pike, it will take me some time but i'll do the ntsc version too; i also have a small 7'' lcd display with pal/ntsc 4/3 and 16/9 resolution.
i've also checked the bugs of the ram and just a very few times, mostly the first time i power on the xbox, i still have the error "item not found".
this is the log file:
03-06-2099 12:08:07 info onmediaupdate:
03-06-2099 12:08:07 info smb:// (oper@) divx-ita-dvdscr.avi
03-06-2099 12:08:07 info onmediaupdate complete.
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info onmediaupdate:
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info smb://
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info onmediaupdate complete.
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info onmediaupdate:
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info smb://[lmf]_ghost_in_the_shell_2nd_gig_-_14_[9660].avi
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info onmediaupdate complete.
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info refreshing latest movies... started.
03-06-2099 12:08:08 error smbdirectory->getdirectory: unable to open directory : 'smb://'
unix_err:'2' nt_err : 'c0000034' error : 'nt_status_object_name_not_found'
03-06-2099 12:08:08 info refreshing latest movies... completed.
03-06-2099 12:08:10 error unable to wait for ntp reply from the sntp server, getlasterror returns 10060

i still need the possibility to specify the lenght of the title in the skin or it will go out of the textures, and i hope sombody will take care of it.

at last i've added ttf font support in the skin, but my labels doesn't change colors when they get focus.
i normally use grey for nofocus and black for focus and what happens is that with one font it goes only grey and with another font it goes only black. why??

tnx in advance for any help.
p.s. i love this stuff  :d
XBMC Italian translator, Movieplayer.it scrapers developer and the old "The Orbs" skin creator.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-27, 15:25
[No subject] - by bobrooney_78 - 2004-09-28, 13:30
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-28, 15:57
[No subject] - by bobrooney_78 - 2004-09-28, 16:31
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-29, 20:08
[No subject] - by pike - 2004-09-29, 20:12
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-09-29, 23:29
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2004-09-30, 10:57
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-01, 10:55
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2004-10-01, 11:47
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-01, 12:40
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-14, 20:07
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-19, 11:30
[No subject] - by nachoman - 2004-10-22, 07:22
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-22, 14:49
[No subject] - by nachoman - 2004-10-23, 07:54
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-10-28, 18:35
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-02, 23:29
[No subject] - by pin87a - 2004-11-03, 02:07
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-03, 08:35
[No subject] - by jmarshall - 2004-11-03, 13:05
[No subject] - by Nickman - 2004-11-03, 13:41
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-03, 13:44
[No subject] - by Nickman - 2004-11-03, 16:34
[No subject] - by Nickman - 2004-11-03, 17:03
[No subject] - by nachoman - 2004-11-03, 18:14
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-03, 18:17
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-08, 16:50
[No subject] - by KoTiX - 2004-11-09, 20:45
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