Release WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state
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Here some inspiration on how the mentioned often unused userrating could also be used to realize very modern/retail-ish List functionalities.
(In this example: A Netflix style "My List")

"service.watchlist" with added movie/episode userrating-backup/sync would be the perfect companion for this. :-)

Escpecially: As in the past "service.watchlist" checks if a "duplicate" movie (multiple resolutions/versions for example) has been set with a new watchedstate/userrating and then automatically syncs the changes to ALL "duplicates" of the movie in the DB so everything is in complete sync. That's great.



Bonus Screenshot No. 3
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RE: WatchedList - service to automatically save/restore watched state - by axbmcuser - 2022-03-24, 20:15
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