Beta Testflight access to beta version

Great work smashing the bugs. Sounds like 1.11 will be an exciting release.

The slider overlap looks good now.

I’m curious, the caching improvement you mention. Was that intended to be a fix for the rapid sliding of the movies category with grid view enabled as I portrayed a few weeks back? I remember I demonstrated how the sliding animation would choke and freeze for about a second. I’m asking because I tested this again and I do not experience that problem anymore.


I just noticed a quirk related to the swipe back gesture. I’m finding if you swipe a pane a little more than half way (required to kick of the gesture as you designed) but then drag a pane back to cancel the navigation the navigation is not cancelled. The pane gets panned. Once you drag a pane over the halfway point to cancel the gesture you need to perform a flick back to cancel it.

This is a slightly different issue to the one I showed you where if you bring a pane almost back to the left you can trick the gesture into activating.

Edit 2:

Minor bug discovered. Add a custom button for toggling DXVA2. Go to the server settings - player - videos and view this switch on your tv.

Now toggle it with the custom button. Kodi server immediately reflects the change.

Now toggle the switch on the Kodi server. The app fails to respond to the change and the toggle doesn’t update.

Relaunch the app. You’ll find that the toggle now reflect the change made on the server.

As a side note while I was testing this I tan I to an issue where the button wasn’t working at all. The app was not saying “command executed”. I can’t reproduce now but I suspect it’s our old friend the yellow tcp connect issue that triggered it. I will keep an eye on this behavior.

Edit 3:

Apologies for all the edits. Here’s another quirk.

I remember mentioning in another area of the custom buttons where lists would roll below a panel box near the bottom of the screen. I mentioned how this looks a little awkward and it really should have the panel box cover up the items below it.



Interestingly there are scenarios where this is actually happening as I would like to see it. Please see the following image for an example. When you scroll this list additional items are revealed below what is visible.


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Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-10-30, 18:36
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:01
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 17:44
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:47
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 18:57
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-14, 19:28
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:13
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-15, 21:25
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 13:34
Testflight access to beta version - by ksooo - 2021-11-20, 16:53
RE: Testflight access to beta version - by amasephy - 2022-04-07, 00:42
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